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Conic Sections Ellipse & Hyperbola Class 11 | Ch-10
Conic Sections | Ellipse & Hyperbola | Chapter-11 | Class XI
Conic Section, Ellipse and its complete explanation with diagrams, Hyperbola and its complete explanation with diagrams
ELLIPSE An ellipse is the set of all points in a plane sum of whose distances from two fixed points in the plane is a constant. The two fixed points are called foci.
Eccentricity < 1
CENTRE OF THE ELLIPSE:- The mid point of the line segment joining the foci is called the centre of the ellipse.
MAJOR AXIS:- A line segment passing through the foci of the ellipse is called the major axis.
MINOR AXIS:- A line passing through the centre of the ellipse and is perpendicular to the major axis is called minor axis.
ECCENTRICITY:- It is defined as the ratio of the half of the distance between the foci to the length of the semi major axis. Mathematically:- e = c / a
LATUS RECTUM:- It is the line segment perpendicular to the major axis through any of the foci and whose end points lie on the ellipse. Mathematically Length of latus rectum is =
When major axis is along the x-axis then equation of the ellipse is When major axis is along the x-axis then equation of the ellipse is
It is the set of all points in a plane, the difference of whose distances from two fixed points in the plane is fixed or constant. Eccentricity > 1
TRANSVERSE AXIS:- The line through the focuses is called transverse axis. Length of transverse axis is 2a.
CONJUGATE AXIS:- A line through the centre and perpendicular to the transverse axis is called conjugate axis. Length of conjugate axis is 2b Distance between two focii is 2c, where
ECCENTRICITY:- The ratio e = c/a is called eccentricity
LENGTH OF LATUS RECTUM:- It is the line segment perpendicular to the transverse axis through any of the focuses and whose end points lie on the hyperbola.
When major axis is x-axis then equation of hyperbola is
When major axis is y-axis then equation of hyperbola is
Art Integrated Project on Conic Section Class 11
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Maths Conic Section Part 2 Class 11 NCERT-cbse mathematics
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