
Showing posts from January, 2019

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Conic Sections | Circle & Parabola | Class-11 | Ch-10

Conic Sections, Circle & Parabola, Chapter-10, Class-XI The sections of the double napped right circular cone with the plane are called conic sections. eg:- circle, ellipse, parabola and hyperbola etc. all are the examples of conic sections. APPLICATIONS:- These curves have wide applications in the field of planetary motion, design of telescope, antenas, reflectors of flash light and automobile headlights. Vertex of the double napped cone separate the cone into two parts each part is called Nappes. α (alpha) is the angle made by the generator with the x-axis.

Arithmetic Progression Class 10 | Ch-5

ARITHMETIC PROGRESSION Basics and all formulas related to the Arithmatic Progression useful for classes X & XI strictly according to the CBSE board ARITHMETIC PROGRESSION Class 10 Chapter 5 &  Class 11 Chapter 9   Main Points to be discussed here Definition of Sequence, Series and Progression. Concept of Arithmetic Progression, General AP Sequence, General Term, Sum of n terms in an AP and Arithmetic Mean. Finite and Infinite AP Three terms in AP, Four terms in AP and five terms in an AP. Properties of Arithmetic Mean Sequence : An arrangement of numbers in a definite order according to some rule is called a sequence. The terms of the sequence are denoted by  t 1 , t 2 , t 3 , t 4 , ……….. or a 1 , a 2 , a 3 , a 4 , …………………. Example: 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 14, ................ Series : If the terms of a sequence are connected by plus (or minus) sign, is called a series. Example: 2 + 4 + 6 + 10 + 12 + 14 + ................ Progression: A sequence follo...

Inverse Trigonometric Functions Chapter 2 Class 12

INVERSE   TRIGONOMETRIC   FUNCTIONS Maths formulas based on Inverse trigonometric functions chapter 2 class 12, useful and important maths formulas on Inverse Trigonometric Functions Note: Click here to open the  Assignment on Inverse Trigonometric Functions  Chapter 2 Class 12 Before we start the Inverse Trigonometric functions we should know the trigonometric functions class 11 chapter 3 . First of all students should learn all the formulas of trigonometric functions then start this chapter. Inverse Trigonometric Functions CBSE Syllabus For Inverse Trigonometric Functions Chapter 2 Class XII  Definition, range, domain, principal value branch, Graphs of inverse trigonometric functions, Elementary Properties of Inverse Trigonometric Functions 1.) In this section we discuss about the principal value 2.) Domain, and range of Inverse Trigonometric Functions 3.) Properties of Inverse Trigonometric Functions. 4.) Graph of Inverse o...

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