
Showing posts from May, 2023

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Mind Map Mathematics, Class 10

  MIND MAP ACTIVITIES  FOR THE STUDENTS OF CLASS X To remember and understand the mathematical concepts easily Mind Maps are very useful. Mind maps is a fast way to revise the concepts, so these are also be called the concept maps

Math Assignment Class VIII | Square & Square Root CH-1

Math Assignment  Class VIII | Square & Square Root

Lesson Plan Math Class 8 (Ch-2) | Cube & Cube Roots

E- LESSON PLAN   SUBJECT MATHEMATICS    CLASS- 8 Lesson Plan for CBSE mathematics class 8 Cube and Cube Roots, Step by step teaching strategy for mathematics teachers. Perfect lesson plan which makes the teaching learning process perfect E-LESSON PLAN MATHEMATICS CLASS-VIII CHAPTER-2 CUBE & CUBE ROOTS NAME OF THE TEACHER DINESH KUMAR CLASS VIII CHAPTER 02 SUBJECT MATHEMATICS TOPIC CUBE & CUBE ROOTS  DURATION : 10 Class Meetings PRE- REQUISITE KNOWLEDGE:- General Tables from 2 to 20 Square table from 1 to 30 Cubic table from 1 to 20

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