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Math Assignment Class XII Ch -06 | Application of Derivatives

 Math Assignment  Class XII  Ch - 06

 Application of Derivatives

Extra questions of chapter 06 Applications of Derivatives, class XII  with answers and  hints to the difficult questions, strictly according to the CBSE Board . Important and useful math. assignment for the students of class XII




Question 1

A particle moves along the curve x2 = 2y. At what point, ordinate increases at the same rate as abscissa increases?

Answer (1, 1/2)

Solution Hint:

Differentiating the given equation w. r. t. t

Now putting dy/dt = dx/dt and find the value of x.

Putting the value of x in the given equation and find the value of y

Question 2

The side of an equilateral triangle is increasing at the rate of 2 cm/s. At what rate is its area increasing when the side of triangle is  20 cm?

Answer: 20√3 cm2/s

Question 3

Volume of sphere is increasing at the rate of 3cm3/s. Find the rate of increase of surface area, when radius is 2 cm

Answer: 3cm2/s

Question 4

For the curve y = 5x – 2x3. If x increases at the rate of 2 unit/sec., find the rate of change of the slope of the curve when x = 3.

Answer: -72 unit /sec

Question 5

A man 2m high walks at a uniform speed of 6km/h away from the lamp post 6m high. Find the rate at which the length of his shadow increases.

Answer : 3km/h

Solution Hint

AB = 6m,  CD = 2m  dy / dt = 6 km/h,  

Let AC = y,  CE = x,  AE = x + y,  

To find : dx/dt = ?

△ABE ~ △ CDE

⇒ y = 2x
Differentiating on both side w.r.t. t we get


Question 1

Without using derivative show that the function f(x) = 4x3 – 18x2 + 27x – 7 is always increasing in R

 Question 2

Find the interval in which the function f(x)  is (i) Strictly Increasing (ii) Strictly Decreasing


Strictly increasing in (-∞, -2)(6, ∞).

Strictly Decreasing in (-2, 6)

Question 3

Find the intervals in which the function f(x) = x/ 4 – x3 – 5x2 + 24x + 12 is

i) Strictly increasing   ii) Strictly decreasing


Strictly increasing in (-3, 2)⋃(4, ∞).

Strictly Decreasing in (-∞, 3)⋃(2, 4)

Question 4

Find the interval in which the function:

f(x) = sin4x + cos4x,   0 ≤ x < Ï€/2

is strictly increasing or strictly decreasing.


Strictly increasing in (π/4, π/2)

Strictly decreasing in (0, π/4)

Question 5

Find the intervals in which  f(x) = sin3x - cos3x, 0<x<Ï€, is strictly increasing or strictly decreasing.


Strictly increasing in (0, Ï€/4) ⋃ (7Ï€/12, 11Ï€/12)

Strictly decreasing in (Ï€/4, 7Ï€/12) ⋃ (11Ï€/12, Ï€)

Question 6

Prove that f(x) = x2 -x + 1 is neither increasing nor decreasing strictly on (-1, 1)

Question 7  
Find the interval in which the following functions are strictly increasing and strictly decreasing :  f(x) = 4x3 – 6x2 - 72x + 30

Strictly increasing in (-∞, -2)(3, ∞).

Strictly Decreasing in (-2, 3)

Question 8 

Find the interval in which the following functions are strictly increasing and strictly decreasing :  f(x) = 2x3 – 12x2 + 18x + 5


Strictly increasing in (-∞, 1)(3, ∞).

Strictly Decreasing in (1, 3)

Question 9:  
Find the interval in which the following functions are strictly increasing and strictly decreasing :   equation


Strictly increasing in equation

Strictly Decreasing in  equation

Question 10

Find the intervals in which the function given by f(x) = sin3x,  x∈ [0, Ï€/2] is increasing and decreasing.


Increasing on [0, Ï€/6]

Decreasing on [Ï€/6, Ï€/2]

Question 11 Let f(x) be a continuous function on [a, b] and differentiable on (a, b). Then, this function f(x) is strictly increasing in (a, b) if

Question 12 The function f(x) = x3 – 3x2 + 12x – 18 is :
(D) strictly decreasing on (–  , 0)
Answer bQuestion 13 Show that f(x) = ex – e–x + x – tan–1 x is strictly increasing in its domain.
∴ f is strictly increasing over its domail RQuestion 14: Find the intervals in which the function equation is strictly increasing or strictly decreasing.
Question 15:

(A) f’(x) < 0,  x ∈ (a, b)

(B) f’(x) > 0,  x  (a, b)

(C) f’(x) = 0,  x  (a, b)

(D) f(x) > 0,  x  (a, b)

Ans: b

(A) strictly decreasing on R

(B) strictly increasing on R

(C) neither strictly increasing nor strictly decreasing on R

Solution:   equation

For strictly increasing / decreasing, put f’(x) = 0  ⇒  x = e,   x > 0

For strictly increasing, x ∈ (0, e ) and for strictly decreasing x ∈ (e, ∞ )

Find the absolute maximum and absolute minimum values of the function f given by equation  , on the interval [1, 2].

Answer: Absolute maximum value = 5/2 

               Absolute minimum value = 2


Question 1

If    equation  , then find the maximum value of f(x)

Ans:  3/4

Solution Hint:

f(x) is maximum if   4x2 + 2x + 1  is minimum

g(x) = 4x2 + 2x + 1 

g'(x) = 8x + 2

For critical point  g'(x) =0  ⇒ x = -1/4

g''(x) = 8 > 0

⇒ g(x) is minimum at x = -1/4

Minimum value of g(x) = 3/4

⇒ f(x) is maximum at x = 3/4

Question 2

Find the maximum value of   equation 

Ans:  1/e

Solution Hint

Find the derivative of f(x) we get  equation 

f ' (x) = 0 ⇒  x = 0 and e (critical points)

But at x = 0 logx is not defined so we have x = e only

Now find f '' (x) we get 


At x = e, f ''(x) < 0 ⇒ f(x) is maximum at x = e
Max. value of f(x) = f(e) = 1/e   (∵ Loge = 1)

Question 3
Find the least value of f(x) = ex – e-x 
Answer: 2

Question 4
Without using the derivatives, find the maximum and minimum values if any for the function f(x) = sin2x + 5.
Answer: Max. value = 6, Min Value = 4

Question 5
Of all the rectangles each of which has perimeter 40 meters, find one which has maximum area. Also find the maximum area?
Solution Hint:
Let sides of rectangle = x and y
Perimeter = 2(x + y) 
ATQ :  2(x + y) = 40 ⇒ x + y = 20 ⇒ y = 20 - x
A = Area = xy = x(20 - x) ⇒ 20x - x2
A' = 20 - 2x 
A' = 0 ⇒ 20 - 2x = 0 ⇒ x = 10
A'' = -2 < 0 ⇒ A is maximum at x = 10
If x = 10 then y = 10 ⇒ Rectangle is a square
Maximum area = xy = 10 x 10 = 100 sq m

Question 6
At what point, the slope of the curve y = - x3 + 3x2 + 9x - 27 is maximum? Also find the maximum slope.
Answer: Maximum slope = m = 12 at x = 1
Solution Hint
y = - x3 + 3x2 + 9x - 27
Slope = m = dy/dx = -3x2 + 6x + 9
Now using second derivative test to find the maxima and minima.

Question 7 Show that the function f(x) = 4x3 – 18x2 + 27x – 7 has neither maxima nor minima.

Solution: f ′ (x) = 12x2 − 36x + 27

          = 3 (2 x -3)2 ≥ 0 for all x ∈ R

∴ f is increasing on R .

Hence f(x) does not have maxima or minima.

Question 8: It is given that function f(x) = x4 – 62x2 + ax + 9 attains local maximum value at x = 1. Find the value of ‘a’, hence obtain all other points where the given function f(x) attains local maximum or local minimum values.
Solution: f’(x) = 4x3 – 124x + a

As at x = 1, 'f' attains local maximum value, f’(1) = 0  ⇒   a = 120

Now, f’(x) = 4x3 – 124x + 120

                 = 4(x - 1)(x2 + x - 30)

                 = 4(x - 1)(x - 5)(x + 6)

Critical Points are x = - 6, 1, 5

     f’’(x) = 12x2 – 124

  f’’(-6) > 0,  f’’(5) > 0  and f’’(1) < 0

So f attains local maximum value at x = 1 and local minimum value at x = - 6, 5

Question 9: 

The perimeter of a rectangular metallic sheet is 300 cm. It is rolled along one of its sides to form a cylinder. Find the dimensions of the rectangular sheet so that volume of cylinder so formed is maximum.

Solution:  Let length of rectangle be x cm and breadth be (150 – x) cm.

Let r be the radius of cyllander

Circumference of base of cyllander = 2Ï€r = x


Volume of cyllinder = Ï€r2h = 

Differentiating w r t  x



At x = 100 cm

⇒ V is maximum when x = 100 cm and breadth of rectangle is 50 cm


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