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Math Assignment Class XI Ch -06 | Permutations & Combinations

  Math Assignment  Class XI  Ch -06

Extra questions of chapter 06 Permutations & Combinations class 11  with answers and  hints to the difficult questions, strictly according to the cbse syllabus. Important and useful math. assignment for the students of class 11



Strictly according to the CBSE and DAV Board

Question 1

Find the number of permutations of n different objects taken r at a time when repetition is allowed.

Ans: nr

Question 2

(i) If   , then find 'n'

Ans: n = a + b

(ii)  If  equation , then find the value of n

Answer: n = 3

(iii) If nCr-1 = 36, nCr = 84, nCr+1 = 126, then find the value of  rC


Question 3

What is the relation between    and 

Ans:   = r!   

Question 4

If   :  = 11 : 52, then find r

Ans: r = 7

Solution Hint: 4

Solution Hint

Solving these two ratios we get the result

(21 - r)(20 - r)(19 - r) = 14✕13✕12

Comparing these corresponding factors we get r = 7

Question 5

Write the number of diagonals in a polygon with 7 sides.

Ans: 14

Question 6

If   =  , then find the value of  

Ans: n = 20,   = 1140

Question 7

n points are marked on a circle such that number of chords that can be formed by joining these points is 35 more than the number of points. Find the value of n?

Ans: 10
Solution Hint: 7

No. of chord can be formed by joining n points

        =  =  

ATQ :    - n = 35

⇒ n- 3n - 70 = 0  ⇒ n = 10 and n = - 7(rejected)

Question 8

How many words with or without meaning can we formed by using all the letters of the word mathematics so that
a) Each word begin with M and end with S.
Ans: 90720

b) Their are always 6 letters between M and M
Ans: 362880

Solution Hint: 8(b)












Here M can take 4 positions

Leaving M and M we left with 9 letters with 2T tand 2A

So remaining 9 letters can be arranged in  

Total word formed =  ✕ 4 = 362880

Question 9

How many natural numbers less than 1000 can be formed with digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 if
(i) No digit is repeated ?
Ans: 60+20+5 = 85

(ii) Repetition of digits is allowed ?
Ans: 125+25+5 = 155

Question 10

A box contains 5 red and 6 white balls. In how many ways can 6 balls be selected so that there are at least 2 balls of each color ?
Ans: 425

Solution Hint: 10

Solution Hint:  

Question 11

A student has 4 library tickets and, in the library, there are 2 language books, 4 subject specific books and 3 fictional books of his interest. Of these 9 books, he chooses exactly 2 subject specific books and 2 other books.
Based on the above information, answer the following questions:
(i) In how many ways can he borrow the four books?
Ans: 60

(ii) Once selected, in how many ways, can he now arrange the borrowed books in his bookshelf so that the subject specific books are always kept together?
Ans: 12

Solution Hint: 11(i)

Solution Hint: 

Solution Hint: 11(ii)  2! ✕ 3!
Question 12

How many words with or without meaning can be formed using the letters of the word DAUGHTER if
a) All vowels are never together
Ans: 36000

b) Vowels occupy odd places.
Ans: 2880

Solution Hint: 12(a)

Total number of words formed = 8! = 40320

No. of words when all vowels are together = 6!  3! = 4320

No of words when vowels are not together = 40320 - 4320 = 36000

Solution Hint : 12(b)

Total Places in DAUGHTER









Odd & Even Places









Odd Places









Total letters = 8

No. of consonants = 5

5 consonants can be arranged in  5! ways

No. of vowels = 3

Odd places can be filled with 3 vowels in 4P3 ways

Total words formed with vowels at odd places = 4P3 X 5! = 2880

Question 13

A polygon has 44 diagonals if n denotes the number of vertices of a polygon, find the value of n. Hence find the number of triangles that can be formed by joining these n points
Ans: 165

Solution Hint:13

 ATQ     -n = 44  ⇒  n = 11

No of triangles formed =   
Question 14

How many words with or without meaning, containing 3 vowels and 2 consonants can be formed using the letters of the word EQUATION ?
Ans: 3600

Solution Hint: 14

3 vowels can be selected from 5 in  ways

2 consonants can be selected from 3 in   ways

5 letters can be arranged in 5! ways

Total words formed: 

Question 15

How many words with or without meaning, can be formed using the letters of the word ALLAHABAD so that vowels are never together ?
Ans: 7200

Solution Hint: 15

Total letters in ALLAHABAD = 9 with 4A, 2L

Total words formed =   = 7560

No. of vowels = 4 (AAAA)

No. of Consonant = 5 with 2L

When all the vowels in one block then

Total letters = 9 - 4 + 1 = 6

Total words with all vowels together =  = 360

No. of words so that vowels are not together = 7560 - 360 = 7200

Question 16

Find the number of arrangements of the letters of the word ‘REPUBLIC’ in how many of these arrangements
a) Does the word start with the vowel.
Ans: 15120

b) All the vowels occur together
Ans: 4320

c) What is the significance of republic day in our life

Solution Hint: 16(a)

No. of vowels = 3

No. of consonants = 5

First letter  (vowels) can be arranged in 3 ways

Remaining 7 letters can be arranged in 7! ways.

Total words start with vowels = 3 ✕ 7! = 15120

Solution Hint: 16(b)

Let all the vowels are in one block then

Total letters = 8 - 3 + 1 = 6

6 letters can be arranged in 6! ways

3 vowels can be arranged in 3! ways

Total words = 6! ✕ 3! = 4320

Question 17
How many words with or without meaning can be made using the letters of the word ‘FESTIVAL’ taken all at a time. In how many of them vowels occupy odd places.

Ans: Total words formed = 40320
No. of words with vowels at odd places = 2880
Solution Hint: 17

Total letters in FESTIVAL = 8

Total words formed = 8! = 40320

No. of consonants = 5

Consonants can be arranged in 5! ways

No. of vowels = 3

When vowels placed at odd places then vowels can occupies only 4 positions 

Total Places in FESTIVAL









Odd & Even Places









Odd Places









So 3 vowels can be placed at 4 places (odd places) in  ways

Total words formed with vowels at odd places = 5! ✕  = 2880

Question 18

A group consists of 5 girls and 6 boys in how many ways can a team of 4 members be selected if the team has
a) At least one boy and one girl
Ans: 310 ways

b) At most two boys
Ans: 215

Question 19
Find the number words formed using all the letters of the word 'MATHEMATICS' such that
a) All vowels are together.
Ans: 120960

b) No two vowels are together.
Ans: 1058400
Solution Hint 19(a)

Given word is MATHEMATICS

Total letters = 11

No. of vowels 4 (AEAI) with 2A

No. of consonant = 7 (M, T, H, M, T, C, S) with 2M and 2T 

When all vowels are together then

Total letters = 11-4+1 = 8 with 2M and 2T

Total words with all vowels together =  = 120960

Solution Hint 19(b)

 7 consonants can be arranged in   ways

Vowels can be placed at the * marked places: *M*T*H*M*T*C*S*

⇒ Vowels can be placed at 8 places

So 8 places can be filled with 4 vowels in    ways

But vowel 'A' is repeated

So vowels can be arranged in    ways

Hence total words formed with no vowel together: 

            =  ✕  = 1058400

Question 20

A student wants to make words with or without meaning by using all letters of the word "ORIGIN"

(i) How many maximum number of words, student can make?

Ans: 360

(ii) If these words are written as in dictionary. What will be the 181th word?


Solution Hint: 20(ii)

Dictionary order of ORIGIN = GIINOR

No of words start with G =  = 60

No. of words start with I = 5! = 120

Total 60+120 = 180

181'th word is the first word start with N

So 181th word is = NGIIOR

Question 21
There are 12 points in a plane, no three of which are in the same straight line except 5 which are in the same line. 
Find :  (i) Number of lines.    Ans: 57

(ii) Number of triangles. which can be formed by joining them.   Ans: 210

Solution Hint 21(i)

No. of lines formed by joining the 12 points, taking 2 at a time = 12C2
No of lines formed by joining the 5 points taking 2 at a time = 5C2
But 5 collinear points when joined pairwise, give only one line
 The required number of lines = 12C2 − 5C+ 1
                                                  = 66 – 10 + 1
                                                  = 57

Solution Hint 21(ii)

No of triangles formed by joining 12 points by taking 3 points at a time  = 12C3
No. of triangles formed by joining 5 points by taking 3 points at a time        = 5C3
But there is no triangle formed by joining 3 points out of 5 collinear points
 The required number of triangles formed 

                                                12C3 − 5C3
                                                = 220 – 10 = 210

Question 22 

How many four letter words can be formed out of the letters of the word ' MATHEMATICS'

Solution Hint

The word MATHEMATICS has 2M, 2T, 2A and 1 each of H, E, I, C and S.

2M, 2T, 2A are three groups of repeated letters.

Now 4 letters can be chosen in 3 ways.

Case 1 : 2 alike of one kind and 2 alike of the second kind from three groups of repeated letters.

Number of words = equation

Case II:  2 alike of one kind from 3 groups and 2 different from remaining seven 

Number of words = equation

Case III: All different letters

Number of words =  equation

Total number of words = 18 + 756 + 1680 = 2454

Question 23 (DAV SQP 2024)

Find the number of arrangements of the letters of the word SELFIE. In how many of these arrangements there are exactly 2 letters between 2 E’s.

Solution: Total number of arrangements = 6!/2! = 360

Possible positions of 2 E’s













a)  I, IV       b) II, V     c)  III, VI

Total number of cases = 3

The Remaining 4 letters can be arranged in 4! ways

Arrangements in which there are exactly 2 letters between 2 E’s = 3 x 4! = 72

Question 24 (DAV SQP 2024)

 In how many of the distinct permutations of the letters in TELANGANA do the three A’s not come together?

Solution:  TELANGANA :  1T, 1E, 1L, 3 A, 2 N, 1G

Total permutations =  9!/2! 3! = 30240

When 3 A’s are together








Total 7 units

Number of permutations in which 3 A’s are together = 7!/2! = 2520

Number of permutations in which 3 A’s do not come together = 30240 − 2520 = 27720


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